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click here for Weekly Breakfast & Lunch Menus

5/20 - 5/24

M Chicken Fries

T         Crispy Chicken Ranch Salad

W        Yogurt Parfait

TH       Orange Chicken

F          Pepperoni Pizza Stix

Staff Members
AB 104 Retention Procedure

Assembly Bill 104 (AB 104) was passed to help with some of the impact COVID-19 had during the 2020-2021 school year. This legislation temporarily modifies practices regarding student retention (your student would repeat their grade level from the 2020/21 school year) for eligible students.

If your student received Ds, Fs, No Credit/No Pass (or equivalent) grades for at least one-half of their coursework in the 2020-2021 academic year and you, as the parent/guardian, are requesting a consultation meeting to determine if your student is eligible for retention in the 2021-22 school year, then please complete the attached link as soon as possible (AB 104 excludes 2020-21 12th graders). This process is time-sensitive and a written request must be submitted on or before September 15, 2021. You may use the link below or submit a written request in person to your school site.

El Proyecto de Ley de la Asamblea 104 (AB 104) fue aprobada para ayudar con parte del impacto que tuvo COVID-19 durante el año escolar 2020-2021. Esta legislación temporalmente modifica las prácticas con respecto a la retención de estudiantes (su estudiante repetiría su nivel de grado del año escolar 2020/21) para los estudiantes elegibles.

Si durante el año académico 2020-2021, su estudiante recibió calificaciones Ds, Fs, No Credit/ No Pass (o equivalente) para al menos la mitad de su trabajo del curso, y usted, como padre / tutor, solicita una reunión de consulta para determinar si su estudiante es elegible para la retención en el año escolar 2021-22, complete el enlace adjunto lo antes posible (AB 104 excluye a los estudiantes del 12 ° grado de 2020-21). Este proceso es urgente y se debe enviar una solicitud por escrito antes del 15 de septiembre de 2021. Puede usar el enlace a continuación o enviar una solicitud por escrito en persona a la escuela.

Una vez que haya hecho su solicitud por escrito, la administración del distrito se comunicará con usted para programar una reunión de consulta para discutir sus inquietudes. El distrito tiene 10 días desde el momento de la reunión de consulta para determinar si la retención está justificada.

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Updated COVID-19 Protocols
  1. First and foremost, IF YOU ARE SICK STAY HOME! Whether you have COVID or not, we don’t want you to be at school if you are sick. Nobody wants to get a cold, the flu, or any other illness either.

  2. If you have tested positive for COVID, you may not return to school until you have been symptom free for 48 hours. You do not have to provide proof of a negative test to return to school.

  3. If you have been exposed to someone with COVID just monitor yourself for symptoms. If you become symptomatic, stay home.

  4. We do not provide COVID tests to families or staff.

  5. Remember to wash your hands and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Its simple and effective, and is just good manners.